Momma Mala Bracelet

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Momma Mala Bracelet


the momma mala bracelet | a power packed mala bracelet made to help mom balance her emotions and integrate her boundaries while navigating the demands of motherhood | will keep her heart and mind working in unison | it is set with the intention to instill the courage mom needs to take care of her needs first | at the same time carrying the vibration of encouragement for mom to pursue her passions

the mommy mala is made with | lava rock, lapis lazuli, aura quartz, onyx, carnelian, amazonite, turquoise, amethyst, tigers eye, unakite, howlite, lotus seed, and a pyrite guru bead

lava rock | grounding and anchoring | connects you to your natural rhythms | balances root chakra | *essential oil diffuser bead

lapis lazuli | speak your truth | lapis will balance the connection between your throat and third eye chakras | lapis also, quickly releases stressful energies and feelings, replacing them with deep feelings of peace and a inner-knowledge | effectively harmonizes the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels

aura quartz | connects you with your inner spirit energy and high-self communication, allowing your inner-divine wisdom to flow freely | invokes communication with the angelic realm, acts as a conduit to your spirit guide(s)

onyx | a strong and sturdy companion on your spiritual journey because it’s a warrior stone | it reminds you that fear is only as deep as the mind will allow; putting you in the mindset to tune into your personal power, face fears and a feel a sense of ease within your surroundings | protects against negative energy

carnelian | an invigorating stone that helps improve circulation through your circulatory system, restoring overall health and vitality within your body | also known to bring a sense of joy and peace | as you’re faced with challenging situations, carnelian will help you cultivate a grounding, anchoring and creative frequency within to carry you through | balances root chakra

amazonite | balances masculine and feminine energy within and without, physically and energetically | helps create a sense of hope that brings physical hormonal and emotional imbalances into balance | creates a sense of inner calm and peace | water element; echoing the color of the Amazon River amazonite reminds us to think and act fluidly, finding your life-giving flow with the ebbs and flows of life | the vibration of amazonite says sometimes you have to lose your mind to find yourself, to hear your heart

turquoise | helps with connection between heave and earth spirit and human realms | creates a sense of calm while also helping you remain alert | according to tradition turquoise symbolizes friendship; the vibration here is saying that you always have a friend in another mom, mothers are tribe of women that stick together and support each other

amethyst | the lens we use to see the world, the beliefs that we hold about ourselves and others; and how we use the power of our insight and clarity to help us move forward in our lives | it's mystical and magical energy activates the third eye chakra

tigers eye | gives you stamina for achieving goals | sharpens your senses | find clarity in your intentions | creates a sense of manifestation of will, unleashing an "inner tiger" sort of feeling

unakite | symbol of growing together | emotional body balancer | surrounds you with peaceful vibes at home, work place, and school; brings about a love frequency through compassion, nurturing, and kindness | facilitates growth, healing and protection of your heart | heart chakra activator balancer and healer

howlite | strengthens your positive character traits, making your strengths your driving force and your weaknesses your inspiration to continue to evolve | relieves anxiety and stress | creates feelings of calm and inner-peace | crown chakra activator

lotus seed | like the lotus, we too have the ability to rise from the mud, bloom out of the darkness and radiate into the world | each day being a new day, a fresh start

pyrite | traditionally known as the good luck stone, powerful crystal for manifestation, especially with regards to wealth and prosperity, helps you see behind facades

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