PEACEFUL GODDESS mala necklace

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PEACEFUL GODDESS mala necklace


PEACEFUL GODDESS 108 bead mala necklace

made with | amazonite, clear quartz, howlite

amazonite | inner calm and inner peace | harmonizes and balances emotions | ignites courage and truth | helps you move beyond fear of judgement or confrontation from others | aligns you with your beliefs and values | balances feminine and masculine energies

clear quartz | master energy healer dissolves negative karmic seeds and patterns by helping to remove self-limiting beliefs and self-criticism | enhances psychic abilities and attunes you to the spiritual realm | filters out distractions during meditation and writing

howlite | strengthens your positive character traits, making your strengths your driving force and your weaknesses your inspiration to continue to evolve | relieves anxiety and stress | creates feelings of calm and inner peace | crown chakra activator

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