THROAT CHAKRA mala (blue)


THROAT CHAKRA mala (blue)


from the CHAKRA collection

throat chakra mala necklace | designed to help ground, balance, heal/clear, and activate your throat chakra

throat chakra | throat | blue | communication and self-expression, your truth

when imbalanced | afraid to speak, holds back, difficulty communicating own needs to others, inconsistent, creative blocks, fear of offending others; also, addictive, arrogant, excessive talking with tendency to interrupt, self-righteous || *physical manifestations | throat and neck issues, problems with teeth or gums, irritated sinus, weak immunity, mood swings and hormonal issues

when balanced | allows you to trust your instincts which helps open the doors to universal truths and your truths; allows you to express yourself authentically, freely, and compassionately | you are more centered, honest, content and a better listener

made with 108 sodalite beads | helps to remove guilt which can often times create energy blocks in the throat chakra; acts as a guide to connect you with high power energy, including your own; helps create better communication with others both verbal and non-verbal | instills a drive for truth, rational thought, and intuitive perception helping you to remain true to yourself | enhances your self-esteem, self-acceptance, and self-trust

throat chakra mantras | “I speak” “I know and speak my truth”

throat chakra essential oils | spearmint, eucalyptus

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